BREL automation-measuring-unit45
BREL automation-messmaschine
BREL automation-mess-und-pruefmaschine

Measuring and testing machines

Many measuring and testing machines are produced as a one-off device. They are typically designed to test raw materials, processing steps, or products. Mechanical, electrical, and visual test methods are often used to ensure that all specified requirements are met.

The expectation

In order to ensure the highest precision and exact repeatability of test procedures and processes, a great deal of know-how is required in the areas of motion, measurement, and control technology. Furthermore, flawless linking of the measurement data to the respective product or process is essential. The data must also be regularly backed up to a dedicated databank.

Our projects

  • Measuring machine for vehicle window geometry
  • Measuring machine for carding cylinders
  • Force measuring machine
  • Testing machine for high pressure valves
  • Testing machine for turbochargers

Our services

Take advantage of our decades of experience with projects for measuring and testing machines. We will support you from specifications to commissioning of your custom-designed machine. Your individual requirements are always our top priority. We select the required sensor technology and actuators for you and create the matching software so that your tasks will be performed precisely, quickly, and reliably. High accuracy and cost-effectiveness of your measuring or testing process will be ensured.

We will be glad to help you. Please contact us.

Dr. Cornelius Niemeyer, Head of Business Unit Automation | Member of the Executive Board

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